Introduction & Welcome!

Hello Debbie Prince the MP Junior Exhibitor liaison!

Debbie Prince  •  MP Junior Exhibitor Liaison

2008 Results

Congratulations to the top ten Junior Exhibitors for 2008 in the Mid-Pacific Region!

  1. Excellence Award for Junior Novice and Intermediate levels: Ashleigh Croce - 939pts
  2. Larrissa Wilkinson - 428pts
  3. Julia Wilkinson - 347pts
  4. Catie Davis - 342pts
  5. Helen Mashino - 232pts
  6. Beth Funke - 180pts
  7. Caitlyn Doyle - 98pts
  8. Megan Doyle - 85pts
  9. Tianna - 84pts - showed at Jazzy Cats
  10. Sabrina - 70pts - showed at Fog City

I look forward to the 2009 show season with you all. There are going to be some changes but you will all be notified of these. I am currently working with Sharon, the new International Junior Exhibitor chair person. There will be such changes as age limitations in each category as well as to how long our can stay in each level, this will not allow older exhibitors to compete with the younger exhibitors making the program fair for all.

See you all at the Awards Banquet in July (in Reno).

Sincerely, Keith Croce, MP JE Liaison

Program Requirements

Information regarding TICA's Junior Exhibitor Program is found in the Standing Rules -- 901.4.1

Requirements for the Junior Exhibitor are:

  • Must be under the age of 18
  • Exhibit in at last 4 TICA shows as agent or owner (i.e., listed in the catalog) during the show year
  • Obtain a letter of endorsement from a TICA AB judge

Requirements for the Junior Exhibitor's "adult" are:

  • Make copies of the catalog cover page and the entry page, for each of the 4+ shows in which the Junior Exhibitor participated
  • Help Junior Exhibitor to prepare the original letter of endorsement (it's a good idea to make a copy of this for the Junior Exhibitor's file, as well)
  • Mail to the Junior Exhibitor's Regional Director

Requirement for the Regional Director is:

  • Forward names of qualified Junior Exhibitors to the Executive Office

Junior Exhibitor will receive:

  • Regional Awards Banquet Recognition -- all qualified MP Junior Exhibitors will receive regional rosettes and trophies
  • International Awards Banquet Recognition

Questions regarding the Junior Exhibitor program should be directed to Mary Riddell  •