Mid-Pacific Region

Mid-Pacific News

The International Cat Association Mid-Pacific Regional Newsletter

Spring 2002

Volume 2, Issue 1

Mid Pacific Regional Director's Message

TICA Election Results -- Officers

TICA Election Results -- Proposals

Regional Awards Committee

New Exhibitor Program

Mid Pacific Show Calendar

New Breed, Assessment, and Evaluation Classes

TICA Mid Pacific Members

Mid Pacific Cat Clubs

Mid Pacific Regional Show and Awards Banquet

Semi Annual Meeting, February 2002, Agenda:

TICA Annual 2002

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Mid Pacific Regional Director's Message

Dear Mid Pacific Members,

Our region is bouncing back with increased vigor and vitality. We have continued to grow in members and our show entry numbers are continuing to improve. While we are still shocked and grieved over the events of 9/11, we continue to feel passionately over our cats and we continue to travel seeing cat friends while enjoying our magnificent TICA shows. Thank you Mighty MP Members and Exhibitors.

Our Mid Pacific Clubs are to be commended for their strong American spirit and tenacity in working to insure the show must go on. We all needed you more than you may ever know. Thank you Clubs, thank you.

Pamela Barrett
Mid Pacific Regional Director

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TICA Election Results -- Officers

Kay DeVilbiss 992
Fate Mays 788
Vice President
Dewane Barnes 1,389
Regional Directors
Chieko Ohira 574
Motoko Oizumi 249
Great Lakes
Cindy Skipchak 56
David Crocker 42
Mid Atlantic
James Dickie 59
Kelly Grant 51
Alex Graham 42
Alice Rhea 39
Ellen Crockett 32
South America
Alberto Leal
(write in)
South Central
Don Caruthers
(write in)
Allen Walbrun 69
Southern Europe
Genevieve Basquine 37
Martine Caillard 28

Congratulations and Best Wishes From the Mid Pacific Region

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TICA Election Results -- Proposals


Amend By-Law 13.2
Membership/members shall be divided into four classes, life, regular, family, and junior.
YES = 1,092
NO = 65

Amend By-Law 14.2
Members of each Breed Section are strongly encouraged to present at least one Breed Seminar every 3 years.
YES = 1,015
NO = 141

Amend By-Laws 17.4, 116.1, 118.2, 118.2.1 and 118.2.2
Changes the Duties and procedures of Breed Committees and Breed Sections when proposing changes to their Standard and the events required in requesting/receiving official TICA approval.
YES = 505
NO = 667

Amend By-Law 15.4.3
Allows a Working Group Chairperson to represent Registration Only Breeds and Category V Breeds.
YES = 666
NO = 471

Amend By-Laws 17.3, 17.3.1 and add By-Law 17.3.2
Regional Directors shall attempt to resolve complaints, which have been filed or called to the attention of an official of TICA.
YES = 977
NO = 155

Amend By-Law 122.2.1
The fee for filing a Show Protest or other complaints is moved from the By-Laws to the Standing Rules.
YES = 1,080
NO = 663

Delete By-Law 123.4
Takes the requirements for Guest Judges out of the By-Laws and BOD approval, allowing Guest Judges to be approved by JA/Judging Committee, in accordance with guidelines published in the Standing Rules.
YES = 1,000
NO = 664


Add Registration Rule 33.2.4
At time of application, Evaluation breeds will recommend a Breed Chairperson and Breed Committee Members and these individuals will be subject to BOD approval.
Amend Registration Rule
Defines the distribution of the New Breed three-part forms: 1 to EO, 1 to Master Clerk/Master Catalog, 1 to Judge.
Amend Registration Rule
Rosettes for NB class not required.
YES = 1,013
NO = 673

Restore Registration Rule 33.4.4
TICA does not imply or guarantee future Championship status when it accepts a new breed for registration.
YES = 1,057
NO = 669

Restore Registration Rule 33.6.11
No Championship breed shall share the same phenotype as another Championship breed.
YES = 1,048
NO = 682

(both options)
Amend Registration Rule 33.7
Option 1: Defines Assessment class as any type of single trait difference.
YES = 126
NO = 150
Option 2: Limits Assessment class to coat and/or color differences only.
YES = 75
NO = 143

Amend Registration Rule 37.3.2
Championship Breeds are allowed to breed within their Breed Group without loss of status, provided the 3-generation pedigree contains no unknown cats or non-allowed outcrosses, unless exceptions are specifically allowed.
YES = 669
NO = 652

Amend Registration Rule 39.11
Corrections to a cat's registration papers as to sex, color, etc., must be corrected at the owner's expense and the former registration certificate must be returned to the EO.
YES = 1,055
NO = 682


Add Show Rules 21.16, 22.4, 22.4.1, 22.4.2, 29.2.1, and
Defines Alternative Format Show and establishes rules governing their use in areas not designated as isolated areas.
YES = 819
NO = 693

Add Show Rule 21.22
Legitimizes Approved Specialty Judge category.
YES = 1,080
NO = 677

Amend Show Rule 21.59
Allows the BOD to approve a breed standard which allows polydactylism.
Amend Show Rule 21.60
Defines Monorchid as one.
Amend Show Rule 21.61
Defines Cryptorchid as none.
YES = 792
NO = 681

Amend Show Rule 23.19
Limits the showing of Non-Domestic Hybrids (within 3 generations) in all show classes unless specifically approved by the Board for NB or Evaluation Classes only.
YES = 1,034
NO = 664

Amend Show Rule 212.2 and add Show Rule 212.2.1
Provides a definition of a rosette, award, and streamer information/printing requirements.
YES = 604
NO = 628

Amend Show Rule 212.3
If less than 5 entries are competing in the kitten, cat, alter, or HHP class the club only has to supply rosettes for the number of entries competing.
YES = 1,066
NO = 681

Amend Show Rules 212.4, 212.4.1, 212.4.2, 212.4.3 and 212.5
Rewording of Top 5 award format as less than 20 cats competing, and Top 10 when more than 25 cats compete, and the sliding scale for awards when competition numbers between 21 and 24.
YES = 1,092
NO = 672

Amend Show Rules 215.1, 215.1.1 and 215.1.2
Rewording of rules for Emergency Substitute Judge and the conditions allowing them to show and judge on the same day. Also defines conditions for HHP judges when judging and showing on the same day.
YES = 1,065
NO = 671

Amend Show Rules 216.1, 216.2, 216.3 and 216.4
A judge must judge to the standard, not to personal likes or dislikes and they cannot judge more than 250 cats in one day or 500 cats in two days.
YES = 832
NO = 675

Amend Show Rules 216.7, 216.7.1 and 216.7.2
Rewording of Withhold-win rules and less than Best of Color awards.
YES = 1,087
NO = 672

Amend Show Rules 216.8, 216.9, 216.10, 216.11, 216.12, 216.13 and 216.14
Provides a detailed list of conditions and procedures for DQ of an entry by a judge. Provides a detailed list of penalties, including continued allowance for declawed cats to be shown without penalty.
YES = 895
NO = 682

Amend Show Rules 217.1, 217.2, 217.3, 217.4, 217.5, 217.6, 217.7 and 217.8
Rewording of the rules for New Breed, Assessment, and Evaluation procedures and the distribution of completed forms by the judge, club, and EO.
YES = 1,069
NO = 674

Amend Show Rule 218.1
Removes the listing of Championship breeds from Show Rules to Standing Rules.
Delete Show Rule 218.1.2
Removes the listing of New Breeds from Show Rules to Standing Rules.
YES = 1,058
NO = 661

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Sharon Cunningham, Chairperson
Alli Brown
Janet Brown
Valerie Horton
Denise McInerney

Support Your Regional Award Fund
Buy RAC Raffle Tickets Today

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Natalie Sera, Chairperson
(775) 746-0204

Friendly Mentors
TICA Hospitality
All Mid Pacific Clubs
and Entry Clerks

Please Help Support New Exhibitors

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Mid Pacific Show Calendar

East of Eden
Monterey, CA
EC: Barbara Price, (831) 372-7018

Foaming Frenzies
Auburn, CA
EC: Leigh Polli, (530) 889-0829

Sassy Katz Cat Club
Springfield, OR
Info: Linda Ashley, (541) 726-5259

Foaming Frenzies
Santa Rosa, CA
EC: Leigh Polli, (530) 889-0829

Mid Pacific Regional Show
Fog City Cat Club/Pacific Coast Cat Fanciers
Pleasanton, CA
Info: Laura Cunningham, (510) 247-1414

The New Culture Club
Portland, OR
Info: Valerie Horton, (541) 567-5084

South Bay Cat Club
Santa Clara, CA
Info: Karen Corbett, (831) 688-8169

Sassy Katz Cat Club
Roseburg, OR
Info: Linda Ashley, (541) 726-5259

Silver Cats
Reno, NV
Info: Donna Bullick, (775) 588-2246

Jazzy Cats
Dixon, CA
Info: Gloria Mahan, (209) 745-6302

11/29-30 and 12/1/2002
Foaming Frenzies
Pleasanton, CA
EC: Leigh Polli, (530) 889-0829

Jazzy Cats
Santa Clara, CA
Info: Gloria Mahan, (209) 745-6302

See also the Shows page on the Web site.

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New Breed, Assessment, and Evaluation

Forms and Distribution
Award Requirements
Entry and Judges Fees

New Breeds --
# of Forms Needed: 1 form per Breed, NOT 1 form for every Entry
Distribution of Forms:
  1 - EO (mailed with Judges Book)
  1 - Master Clerk/Catalog (mailed by Club to EO)
  1 - Judge retains
  0 - Exhibitor receives nothing
Awards: Color and Breed
Rosettes: Not Required - Club Option
Entry Fee: Standard, same as Traditional Classes
Judges Fee: Yes

Assessment --
# of Forms Needed: 1 form per Entry, NOT 1 form per Breed
Distribution of Forms:
  0 - EO (Judge mails nothing to EO from this class)
  1 - Master Clerk/Catalog (mailed by Club to EO)
  1 - Judge retains
  1 - Exhibitor receives
Awards: None
Rosettes: None - not a Club option
Entry Fee: Standard, same as Traditional Classes
Judges Fee: Yes

Evaluation --
# of Forms Needed: 1 form per Entry, NOT 1 form per Breed
Distribution of Forms:
  0 - EO (Judge mails nothing to EO from this class)
  1 - Master Clerk/Catalog (mailed by Club to EO)
  1 - Judge retains
  1 - Exhibitor receives
Awards: None
Rosettes: None - not a Club option
Entry: Evaluation cats are entered at the Club's discretion
Entry Fees: At the Club's discretion
Judges Fee: No, and Judges are not required to handle

Clubs may download PDF files for these forms from the
TICA website. Use of Judges Book NCR paper is acceptable, although form quality is better if plain NCR paper is used.

Judges until this program is further refined, please use your own judgment as to which party should obtain the original completed form, as additional instructions should be forthcoming.

Master Clerks and Clubs are responsible for mailing into the EO/Executive Office with the Master Catalog the correct number of completed forms from each judge, for each class as appropriate.

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TICA Mid Pacific Members

Membership Expires May 1st, 2002
(unless life, advance fees paid)


All Breed Committees Have Openings
Apply This Summer -- See Trend For Application Details

[Membership list not included on Web for privacy reasons -- see printed copy of newsletter]

207 Mighty Proud Mid Pacific Members
181 Members last year
14% Membership Increase

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Mid Pacific Cat Clubs

Caprock Cat Club
East of Eden
Foaming Frenzies
Fog City Cat Club
Jazzy Cats
Pacific Coast Cat Fanciers
Rogue River Cat Club
Sassy Katz Cat Club
Silver Cats Cat Club
South Bay Cat Club
The New Culture Club

See also the Clubs page on the Web site.

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Mid Pacific Regional Show
Banquet and Awards Presentation

July 20-21, 2002
Pleasanton, CA

Hosted by Fog City Cat Club and Pacific Coast Cat Fanciers

Everyone is Cordially Invited to Attend

Laura Cunningham
(510) 247-1414

See also the Regional Awards page on the Web site.

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Up Coming TICA Semi Annual Meeting - Agenda Items and Topics

Harlingen, Texas
February 15-17, 2002

Thursday -- February 14th
Valentines Day Executive Office Tour

Based on your MP membership love letters there are some concerns over lack of speed and time accountability when processing your paperwork. You've also asked how the office computers and programs are used in these tasks and why new program development takes a long time.

Helpfulness and attitude of office staff has also become an issue and the E Click wants to know when they will be able to spend their money on TICA faster, easier, and with less hard paper; on-line.

I must admit, it's not my first choice for a Valentines Day outing, but I wouldn't miss this opportunity for the world.

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Judges -- Advancements for Consideration

Advance Probationary Specialty Judge
Toni Jones, Nahoko Kaizuka, Michael Hammond, James Reardon
Advance Provisional Allbreed Judge
Laura Cunningham, Al Walbrun
Advance Provisional Allbreed Judge, EU Only
Kurt Vlach
Advance Approved Allbreed Judge
Vickie Jo Harrison, Deborah Reed
Re-Instate Approved Allbreed Judge
Phillipe Noel
Advance to Ring Instructor
Alex Graham
Advance to School Instructor
Bobbie Tullo
Application for Household Pet Judge Trainee
Vickie Novak

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Breed Advancement Requests
Abyssinian/Somali Accept Silver/Shaded Division
American Bobtail to Championship
Munchkin to Championship
Savannah to Evaluation
Serengeti to Evaluation
Siberian Accept Colorpoint Divisions

Approval of Standards
Norwegian Forest

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Semi Annual Rule Proposals

Amend By-Law 15.4.1
Breed Committees
Intent of Proposal: Reformatting to improve readability of Breed Committee By-Law. Additional wording expands to include appointment in case of vacancy and clarifies the Breed Committee Chairperson as the candidate receiving the highest number of votes.
Status: If passes Board approval at the Semi, membership votes next fall as it is a By-Law amendment.
RD Editorial: I support this proposal, and feel it stands a good chance of passing.

Amend By-Law 16.4
Appointed Committees
Intent of Proposal: Known as the Conflict of Interest Proposal, expands the wording to limit the number of appointed committees one person can serve on. It does not affect positions on Breed Committees or ad-hoc committees, as these are not appointed committees by TICA definition. Rules and Technical (RTT), Genetics are a few examples of TICA appointed committees.
Status: This proposal does not have the support of RTT as they feel it would limit TICA's ability to use available talent or volunteers. If passes Board, membership would have to ratify on next fall ballot.
RD Editorial: I support this proposal for a variety of reasons. I also feel until more members see for themselves why this proposal is necessary, not everyone will take any further words of support in a positive manner. Lobbying of TICA officials by TICA members in support of this proposal is highly recommended.

Amend Judges Program, Article 13 and Standing Rule 2014.2
Instructor - Moderator Fees
Intent of Proposal: $150 honorarium as customary fee for instructor or moderator of a Seminar, Judges School or Conference.
Status: Does not have the support of RTT - who recommends fee of $75 maximum. If passes Board approval, becomes a TICA rule as it does not require membership vote or ratification.
RD Editorial: I would like to see a sliding scale of fees; to be negotiated by the club and the party asked to speak/moderate. Some presentations need the higher fees to cover presentation material costs, and some presentations/moderators provide less.

Amend By-Laws 15.1, 15.2, 111.1, 114.3, 115.1 and 115.3, and Standing Rules 1011.43 (package)
Directors At Large
Intent of Proposal: This proposal establishes two new International Level Officer positions on the Board of Directors. Directors at Large would be elected by the entire TICA membership.
Status: Does not have the support of RTT.
RD Editorial: An alternative suggestion by one member of RTT was to establish the position(s) of Secretary, Treasurer. I really like this idea, but only if we give the Sec/Treasurer position the authority and ability to perform their duties as is customary.

Amend Show Rules 21.30 and 21.31
Clarification of Evaluation and Assessment Class Entries
Intent of Proposal: Expands wording for Evaluation Class entries (SR 21.30) and with failure of Ballot Proposal #11, RTT recommends 21.31 be left as is with no changes.
Status: Unknown
RD Editorial: Ballot Proposal #11 attempted to clarify the assessment class as being for coat and color only or any single trait difference. Both options failed so this is still a debatable item, as TICA's current policy interpretation allowing everything in the Assessment class continues to be very controversial. TICA members will need to lobby Directors into setting A POLICY. The ballot failure did not solve the problem, only made it worse.

Amend Show Rules 21.59 and 21.60, Add Show Rule 23.20
Polydactyl, Monorchid, Cryptorchid
Intent of Proposal: Gives definition to Poly and Monorchid, and further allows Cryptorchids to be shown in the alter class.
RD Editorial: Apparently RTT found the proposal they wrote - just voted on by the membership as lacking, so further definitions are now necessary. This proposal will go to the membership if it receives Board approval.

Amend Show Rule 23.19
Non-Domestic Hybrids
Intent of Proposal: RTT realized Proposal #17 just passed by Membership is unenforceable. So they are rewording this Show Rule again as there is no way to know if HHPs or HHPKs have any wild blood in them as they have no pedigree.
RD Editorial: Oh - Don't get me started! No Comment.

Amend Show Rules 29.2 and 29.3
Show Style Formats and Judging Limits per Day/per Judge
Intent of Proposal: Two options presented by RTT. Proposal #22 just passed by the membership, failed to list/amend all appropriate Show Rules and this amendment/each option tries to bring this part of the Show Rules into compliance with Prop 22.
RD Editorial: No comment.

Amend Show Rule 215.1
Judges Showing Cats on Day of Judging - 2 Options Presented
Intent of Proposal #1: With limiting conditions, it would allow members of the same household as a judge to show their cats on the same day as their housemate was judging.
RD Editorial: No way!
Intent of Proposal #2: Allows judges to show on the same day they are judging, with conditions, i.e., agent, no communication, etc.
RD Editorial: No way! Judges can't convince me this rule proposal is positive - only exhibitors can try! As this is a Show Rule - the membership would get to vote on this, if it passes Board approval.

Amend Show Rule 216.12.12
Disqualification of Dwarfism
Intent of Proposal: Prevents dwarfism from being considered as a breed or a breed trait.
RD Editorial: As RD I support this proposal as it would allow the TICA membership to vote as to whether or not as an Association we want a breed(s) based on the dwarfism gene. This proposal affects the Munchkin and any future breed being developed/considered based on dwarfism.

Amend Standing Rule 109.2
Semi Annual in Harlingen, TX Every Two Years
Intent of Proposal: The EO is located in Harlingen so this insures a Board meeting will take place there every two years.
RD Editorial: I personally would like to see the Semi be involved with a show, as a show is good incentive in getting members to attend the meetings. A ticket to Harlingen is also expensive.

Amend Standing Rule 1011.4.5
Meal Allowances for Officers/Board Members
Intent of Proposal: Establishes guidelines for meal reimbursement and establishes an RD escrow account of $1 for each TICA regional membership, to be used towards RD expenses.
RD Editorial: $1 per member is better than nothing, which is currently the case - as RD's have no budget/money from TICA to use in administering to the needs of their region. As this is a Standing Rule, if this proposal receives Board approval, it goes into effect without membership input/vote.

Amend Standing Rule 1014.3
Political Statements in TICA Trend by Candidates
Intent: Increases from 300 words to 500 words a candidate statement and increased fees for the insertion in the Trend from $15 to $30.

Standing Rule 203
Chausie and Bengal
Intent: Commits to writing Board approval allowing Chausies with 3rd Generation non-domestic/wild blood to be shown, and only SBT Bengals as being shown.

Standing Rule 204.3
Recommendation Clubs Donate to Regional Fund - $1 per Show Entry
Intent: Written to encourage Clubs to support Regional Fund.
RD Editorial: This proposal continues to be poorly worded, and would have to be reworded to meet the intent.

Standing Rules 601.2.25.5, 901.4.3.4 and 901.4.3.5
Regional and International Award Notifications
Intent: Clarifies award placements and notification requirements by EO and RD.

Standing Rule 811
Brown Tabby Color Definition Change
Proposed: Brown Tabby-pattern to be black, ground color ranging from a rich tawny brown, or yellow to a cold beige color depending on the amount of rufousing present.
Intent: Expands color definition to include the variety of shades in Brown Tabby. Does not require membership vote - so speak up now Brown Tabby people.

Standing Rule 903
TICA Annual Guidelines
Intent: Provides more details/conditions for clubs to meet/do when putting on the Annual. Especially keeping TICA/EO/BOD from being financially responsible for the event.
RD Editorial: Personally I feel this proposal is going in the wrong direction. TICA Annuals cost clubs on the average of 45K to produce, and we do little as an International Association to assist the clubs with this event.

Regional Director's Editorial Comments are just that comments - your comments as TICA members matter too, and are needed and appreciated. Please feel free to call, drop a line - or pull me aside for chit-chat.

Pamela Barrett, Mid Pacific Regional Director
29975 E. Meissner Rd
Deer Island, OR  97054
PH: (503) 366-3490

PROPOSED - NOT Advanced or Approved yet!

These proposals are being considered by the Board at the Semi Annual Meeting.

Some proposals fail - some will pass - based on YOUR comments and involvement.

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TICA Annual 2002
Arlington, Virginia
August 31st and September 1st
International Friends and Fun
See TREND for Details

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The opinions expressed in this publication are those of its authors alone and do not reflect the views of The International Cat Association. The use of its logo in no way implies approval by The International Cat Association of its contents nor does it indicate that this is an official publication of that association.