Semi Annual Rule Proposals
Amend By-Law 15.4.1
Breed Committees
Intent of Proposal: Reformatting to improve readability of Breed
Committee By-Law. Additional wording expands to include appointment in
case of vacancy and clarifies the Breed Committee Chairperson as the
candidate receiving the highest number of votes.
Status: If passes Board approval at the Semi, membership votes
next fall as it is a By-Law amendment.
RD Editorial: I support this proposal, and feel it stands a good
chance of passing.
Amend By-Law 16.4
Appointed Committees
Intent of Proposal: Known as the Conflict of Interest Proposal,
expands the wording to limit the number of appointed committees one
person can serve on. It does not affect positions on Breed Committees
or ad-hoc committees, as these are not appointed committees by TICA
definition. Rules and Technical (RTT), Genetics are a few examples of
TICA appointed committees.
Status: This proposal does not have the support of RTT as they
feel it would limit TICA's ability to use available talent or volunteers.
If passes Board, membership would have to ratify on next fall ballot.
RD Editorial: I support this proposal for a variety of reasons.
I also feel until more members see for themselves why this proposal is
necessary, not everyone will take any further words of support in a
positive manner. Lobbying of TICA officials by TICA members in support of
this proposal is highly recommended.
Amend Judges Program, Article 13 and Standing Rule 2014.2
Instructor - Moderator Fees
Intent of Proposal: $150 honorarium as customary fee for
instructor or moderator of a Seminar, Judges School or Conference.
Status: Does not have the support of RTT - who recommends fee of
$75 maximum. If passes Board approval, becomes a TICA rule as it does
not require membership vote or ratification.
RD Editorial: I would like to see a sliding scale of fees; to be
negotiated by the club and the party asked to speak/moderate. Some
presentations need the higher fees to cover presentation material costs,
and some presentations/moderators provide less.
Amend By-Laws 15.1, 15.2, 111.1, 114.3, 115.1 and 115.3, and Standing Rules
1011.43 (package)
Directors At Large
Intent of Proposal: This proposal establishes two new International
Level Officer positions on the Board of Directors. Directors at Large would
be elected by the entire TICA membership.
Status: Does not have the support of RTT.
RD Editorial: An alternative suggestion by one member of RTT was to
establish the position(s) of Secretary, Treasurer. I really like this idea,
but only if we give the Sec/Treasurer position the authority and ability to
perform their duties as is customary.
Amend Show Rules 21.30 and 21.31
Clarification of Evaluation and Assessment Class Entries
Intent of Proposal: Expands wording for Evaluation Class entries
(SR 21.30) and with failure of Ballot Proposal #11, RTT recommends 21.31
be left as is with no changes.
Status: Unknown
RD Editorial: Ballot Proposal #11 attempted to clarify the
assessment class as being for coat and color only or any single trait
difference. Both options failed so this is still a debatable item, as
TICA's current policy interpretation allowing everything in the Assessment
class continues to be very controversial. TICA members will need to lobby
Directors into setting A POLICY. The ballot failure did not solve the
problem, only made it worse.
Amend Show Rules 21.59 and 21.60, Add Show Rule 23.20
Polydactyl, Monorchid, Cryptorchid
Intent of Proposal: Gives definition to Poly and Monorchid, and
further allows Cryptorchids to be shown in the alter class.
RD Editorial: Apparently RTT found the proposal they wrote - just
voted on by the membership as lacking, so further definitions are now
necessary. This proposal will go to the membership if it receives Board
Amend Show Rule 23.19
Non-Domestic Hybrids
Intent of Proposal: RTT realized Proposal #17 just passed by
Membership is unenforceable. So they are rewording this Show Rule again
as there is no way to know if HHPs or HHPKs have any wild blood in them
as they have no pedigree.
RD Editorial: Oh - Don't get me started! No Comment.
Amend Show Rules 29.2 and 29.3
Show Style Formats and Judging Limits per Day/per Judge
Intent of Proposal: Two options presented by RTT. Proposal #22
just passed by the membership, failed to list/amend all appropriate Show
Rules and this amendment/each option tries to bring this part of the
Show Rules into compliance with Prop 22.
RD Editorial: No comment.
Amend Show Rule 215.1
Judges Showing Cats on Day of Judging - 2 Options Presented
Intent of Proposal #1: With limiting conditions, it would allow
members of the same household as a judge to show their cats on the same
day as their housemate was judging.
RD Editorial: No way!
Intent of Proposal #2: Allows judges to show on the same day they
are judging, with conditions, i.e., agent, no communication, etc.
RD Editorial: No way! Judges can't convince me this rule proposal
is positive - only exhibitors can try! As this is a Show Rule - the
membership would get to vote on this, if it passes Board approval.
Amend Show Rule 216.12.12
Disqualification of Dwarfism
Intent of Proposal: Prevents dwarfism from being considered as a
breed or a breed trait.
RD Editorial: As RD I support this proposal as it would allow the
TICA membership to vote as to whether or not as an Association we want a
breed(s) based on the dwarfism gene. This proposal affects the Munchkin
and any future breed being developed/considered based on dwarfism.
Amend Standing Rule 109.2
Semi Annual in Harlingen, TX Every Two Years
Intent of Proposal: The EO is located in Harlingen so this insures
a Board meeting will take place there every two years.
RD Editorial: I personally would like to see the Semi be involved
with a show, as a show is good incentive in getting members to attend the
meetings. A ticket to Harlingen is also expensive.
Amend Standing Rule 1011.4.5
Meal Allowances for Officers/Board Members
Intent of Proposal: Establishes guidelines for meal reimbursement
and establishes an RD escrow account of $1 for each TICA regional
membership, to be used towards RD expenses.
RD Editorial: $1 per member is better than nothing, which is
currently the case - as RD's have no budget/money from TICA to use in
administering to the needs of their region. As this is a Standing Rule,
if this proposal receives Board approval, it goes into effect without
membership input/vote.
Amend Standing Rule 1014.3
Political Statements in TICA Trend by Candidates
Intent: Increases from 300 words to 500 words a candidate statement
and increased fees for the insertion in the Trend from $15 to $30.
Standing Rule 203
Chausie and Bengal
Intent: Commits to writing Board approval allowing Chausies with
3rd Generation non-domestic/wild blood to be shown, and only SBT Bengals
as being shown.
Standing Rule 204.3
Recommendation Clubs Donate to Regional Fund - $1 per Show Entry
Intent: Written to encourage Clubs to support Regional Fund.
RD Editorial: This proposal continues to be poorly worded, and would
have to be reworded to meet the intent.
Standing Rules 601.2.25.5, 901.4.3.4 and 901.4.3.5
Regional and International Award Notifications
Intent: Clarifies award placements and notification requirements
by EO and RD.
Standing Rule 811
Brown Tabby Color Definition Change
Proposed: Brown Tabby-pattern to be black, ground color ranging
from a rich tawny brown, or yellow to a cold beige color depending on
the amount of rufousing present.
Intent: Expands color definition to include the variety of shades
in Brown Tabby. Does not require membership vote - so speak up now Brown
Tabby people.
Standing Rule 903
TICA Annual Guidelines
Intent: Provides more details/conditions for clubs to meet/do
when putting on the Annual. Especially keeping TICA/EO/BOD from being
financially responsible for the event.
RD Editorial: Personally I feel this proposal is going in the
wrong direction. TICA Annuals cost clubs on the average of 45K to produce,
and we do little as an International Association to assist the clubs with
this event.
Regional Director's Editorial Comments are just that comments - your
comments as TICA members matter too, and are needed and appreciated.
Please feel free to call, drop a line - or pull me aside for chit-chat.
Pamela Barrett, Mid Pacific Regional Director
29975 E. Meissner Rd
Deer Island, OR 97054
PH: (503) 366-3490
PROPOSED - NOT Advanced or Approved yet!
These proposals are being considered by the Board at the Semi Annual Meeting.
Some proposals fail - some will pass - based on YOUR comments and involvement.
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TICA Annual 2002
Arlington, Virginia
August 31st and September 1st
International Friends and Fun
See TREND for Details
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