Mid-Pacific Region

Mid-Pacific News

The International Cat Association Mid-Pacific Regional Newsletter

Spring 2001

Volume 1, Issue 1

Highlights of Semi Annual Meeting -- Regional Director's Report to Members:

Membership and Club Dues Due

Computer Committee

Ballot for Awards

(Throughout the text, the "For Your Consideration" links will open an e-mail message addressed to Regional Director Pamela Barrett.... please do use these links to drop her a note giving her your thoughts on the questions and issues discussed!)

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TICA 2001 Semi Annual Board Meeting, Regional Director's Report

TICA's Semi Annual Board meeting was held February 14-16, 2001 in Austin, Texas.

It was stormy, wind was blowing, and it was raining. I drank coffee from 8 am to 5 pm each day, keeping my Espresso edge for the lively discussions during the meetings.

All of TICA's 12 Regions had their Directors present. We each kept track of the motions and our voting record on handwritten tally sheets. The group record of our votes was also manually kept by our two TICA legal advisors, Frances Young and Laurie Schiff. There was a tape recorder running the entire time, and Leslie Bower was whipping keys on her laptop, keeping up.

Full minutes of the meeting are posted on the TICA website, http://www.tica.org in pdf format.

I received a friendly and warm welcome from everyone. They all helped me with Roberts Rules of Order and in writing motions.

I learned wording and timing is so important.

I take the responsibility of representing all of you seriously and I wanted to represent our region well.

I will admit, I was nervous.

I am presenting some of the more popular and controversial motions from that meeting in this newsletter along with my personal reasons or commentary on my voting record as your Regional Director.

Your input is important, so please do not hesitant to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Enjoy the Newsletter!
Pamela Barrett
Mid Pacific Regional Director

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TICA 2001 Semi Annual Board Meeting, Regional Director's Report

General -- All Members

  • Marge Hanna is TICA Ballot Judge. Motion #11

  • Leslie Bowers, TICA Business Manager employment contract was amended and approved for another three years. Motion #12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

  • New Provision in TICA Judges Program will allow non-breeder applicants. For Non-Breeders -- Have been actively showing cats in TICA for a minimum of 5 years; have acquired cats at 5 months of age or younger; have shown a minimum of five cats to Grand Champion or Grand Champion Alter, three of which must have achieved the title of Supreme Grand Champion or Supreme Grand Champion Alter; have achieved a minimum of three Regional wins within the Top 10; have shown in at least 25 TICA shows (back-to-back shows will be considered one show). Motion #61
    I supported this proposal. The vote was close with RD's/VP vote ending in a tie, 7 to 7, with our President KD voting in favor, allowing the motion to pass. I realize this a controversial subject. The negative comments I have heard; exhibitors will not respect these applicants since they don't have breeding experience. Positive comments -- With breeder bans and/or limits on breeding being imposed, especially in high population/density areas, this should help TICA bring more applicants into our judging program from all geographic locations.

  • The TICA Computer fund has been officially renamed, Larry Paul Memorial Computer Fund. Motion #67

Members -- For Your Consideration --

  • Should we have requirements for membership eligibility when voting in a TICA election? Should there be a timeline for voting in a Breed Committee election? In other words, do you need to own a cat, show in a TICA show, or be involved in TICA or breeding cats to vote in our elections. Motion #106
    This proposal has been referred to our Rules and Technical Committee. It has far reaching implications, and I encourage your discussion on this. Your input does reach the ears of the Rules and Technical Committee, other TICA members, and the Board of Directors.

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TICA 2001 Semi Annual Board Meeting, Regional Director's Report

Judges -- Advancement, Pay Increase, Refresher Tests

  • Trainees advanced to Probationary Specialty Judges, Hiromi Osada, Laurie Schiff, Lorre Smith, and Chris Unangst. Motion #21

  • TICA judges to Approved Allbreed, Luiz Paulo Faccioli, Vickie Fisher, and Pascale Portelas. Motion #21

  • Linda Kay Ashley was advanced to ring instructor. Motion #21

  • Irene Van Belzen was accepted as a Household Pet Trainee. Motion #21

  • Two TICA Judges did not have their licenses renewed, with hearings scheduled at 2001 Annual Meeting. Motion #19, Motion #6

  • Philippe Noel has chosen to retire as a TICA judge. Motion #29

  • Judges will receive a copy of their graded refresher tests. Motion #30

  • TICA Judge Annie Trayer was bestowed with the honor of Judge Emeritus. Motion #33

  • Allbreed Sponsors must forward copies of all training evaluations to the Trainee. Motion #60

  • Approved Specialty Judges to be paid 60 cents a cat. Motion #128

Judges -- For Your Consideration --

  • It is proposed; Regional Directors will attempt to resolve complaints regarding a Judge, a trainee, or an applicant to the Judging Program, concerning the conditions of catteries and/or cats. Including having the RD make a personal inspection of the facility. The proposal to expand the duties of the Regional Director has been referred to the Rules and Technical Committee. Motion #104
    Please let me know how you feel about this proposal, and how you wish me to vote when this proposal is brought out of Rules and Technical.

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TICA 2001 Semi Annual Board Meeting, Regional Director's Report

Clubs -- Important Changes In Procedures

  • The Hotel Room Inspection Procedures were added to the Standing Rules. Clubs using these procedures must print the following disclaimer in their show flyer: Motion #44

    [Name of CLUB] has elected to use the Hotel Room Inspection Procedures for exhibitors who lodge at [Name of HOTEL or HOTELS] using the club's group booking. Entry in this show, and lodging at [Name of HOTEL or HOTELS] using the club's group booking, shall constitute an acknowledgement by and consent of the exhibitor to these procedures.

  • Show Season 2001/2002 Numbering System Change: Motion #90
    • 001 - 050 Longhair Kittens
    • 051 - 100 Shorthair Kittens
    • 101 - 200 Longhair Cats
    • 201 - 300 Shorthair Cats
    • 301 - 350 Longhair Alters
    • 351 - 400 Shorhair Alters
    • 401 - 450 Longhair HHPs
    • 451 - 500 Shorthair HHPs
    • 501 - 550 New Breed
    • 551 - 600 Assessment Class
    • 601 - 650 Evaluation Class
    • 651 - 700 Exhibition Only
    • 701 - up For Sale Cats and Kittens

  • Important changes in mailing out Marked Catalogs --
    48 hours - TICA Executive Office and the Regional Director; 7 days after show - Judging Administrator, Officiating Judges, Master Clerk, and any person who ordered a marked catalog. Motion #127

  • Approved Specialty Judges to be paid 60 cents a cat. Motion #128

  • The proposal for Alternative/Flexible Format shows failed to pass, with flexible format being described as any show with a non-standard specialty format, i.e. male and female. Motion #53
    This is the proposal that attempts to redefine how we divide our specialty shows. Since it failed, it's not scheduled to be reconsidered.

Clubs -- For Your Consideration --

  • "Alaska format" show rules were sent back to Rules and Technical Committee for further work. Motion #54
    This proposal attempts to define how/when/why we use the "Alaska format" type shows, as it places limitations on its use.

    CORRECTION FROM NEWSLETTER -- This proposal was reworked by R&T during the meeting and was later passed, defining the back-back-to-back-format.

  • There is a proposal to add extra finals -- top 15 to our show format. For an entry up to 50 cats, top 10 as usual. Then, for every increment of 10 cats over that number, one additional final would be added. For example, 60 cats - top 11, 70 cats - top 12, 80 cats - top 13, 90 cats - top 14, 100 cats - top 15. No places after 15th Best Cat. Motion #105
    Please let me know how you feel about this proposal, and how you wish me to vote if this proposal is brought out of Rules and Technical at the 2001 Annual.

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TICA 2001 Semi Annual Board Meeting, Regional Director's Report

Specific Information Regarding the Mid-Pacific Region

  • The contributions of Tricia Huisman (MP) and Alice Hanbey (NW) will be recognized at the 2001 Annual Banquet. Motion #79

  • The New Culture Club will be allowed to hold its August 25th and 26th, 2001 show in Vancouver, WA, and it shall be considered a Mid Pacific Show for the purposes of scoring and rebate. Motion #88

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TICA 2001 Semi Annual Board Meeting, Regional Director's Report

New Breeds and Colors -- Evaluation -- Assessment -- Advancement

  • Toyger has been accepted for Evaluation Status. Motion #98

  • Savannah has been accepted for Registration Status Only. Motion #99

  • Chausie has been accepted for Evaluation Status. Motion #100

  • British Shorthair -- Pointed Categories accepted for Championship Status as of May 1st. Motion #136

  • British Longhair application denied for advancement to Championship Status. Motion #135

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TICA 2001 Semi Annual Board Meeting, Regional Director's Report

LOOF Agreement -- French Cat Fancy -- Law Enforcement?

The registering of cats in France and in TICA is covered under a protocol agreement with LOOF, the registering/governmental agency of purebred cats in France. The full LOOF agreement can be found at the TICA website. Motion #95 and #96

This agreement has created a great deal of discussion on the TICA list. I abstained on this vote, as I did not feel we fully understood this agreement. I also had concerns as a British breeder with the inclusion of French bred straight-eared Scottish Folds as British. The majority did not share my concerns; instead they felt the LOOF agreement was the only way TICA shows would flourish in France.

I have spoken to Leslie Bowers about the agreement, and she advises she will not register any cat in violation of TICA registration rules. In the case of Brits from straight-eared Fold French lines, they will be registered as non-showable British, with the registration number reflecting the non-Brit outcross.

Does the LOOF agreement set precedent should CA Senate Bill 236 pass? Please get involved, visit www.tica-mp.org for future information.

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TICA 2001 Semi Annual Board Meeting, Regional Director's Report

Computer Report -- Larry Hart and David Thomas

  • The program to calculate titles is still being developed, and will not be ready for the 2001/2002 show season. Databases are being normalized and office computers are now networked. No plans at this time for web based forms and submissions through the Internet.

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TICA 2001 Semi Annual Board Meeting, Regional Director's Report

Overview of Disciplinary Hearings -- Breeders

  • The majority of complaints filed against TICA breeders involved failures to timely provide buyers a TICA blue slip or registration papers on kittens/cats they had sold.

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TICA 2001 Semi Annual Board Meeting, Regional Director's Report

Breed Committees and Sections and Standards

  • Breed Committee elections will not be held in this year, instead current committees will have their terms extended by one year. Breed Committee elections will be held in 2002. Breed Committee members must still maintain their TICA membership, as their 4th year membership dues have not have been paid in advance. Motion #87
    I was the only RD not in support of this proposal. I felt with our breed committees reformatting our breed standards, interest in serving on a breed committee would be at an all time high. I hoped to take advantage of this momentum by holding elections as originally scheduled in 2001. However the majority view prevailed, as it was felt we needed to hold the existing breed committees together so they could finish the breed standard reformatting project.

  • The number of seats on a Breed Committee will be determined by the number of members within that section as of April 30th, based on the following formula: Less than 50 Breed Section Members - 3 Breed Committee Members; 50 to 75 Breed Section Members - 5 Breed Committee Member; Over 75 Breed Section Members - 7 Breed Committee Members. Motion #107

Breeds -- For Your Consideration --

  • Breed Standards have been reformatted. Please contact your Breed Committee Chairperson and/or TICA Executive Office if you are not able to review/receive the standards in electronic format. They are posted on the TICA website, included in the minutes of the Semi-Annual meeting.

  • A questionnaire will be sent to the members of the Bombay and Burmese Breed Sections asking for their input on the continued combination or proposed split of their breed group. Motion #150

  • Rules governing penalties, disqualifications, applying to all cat breeds, Show Rule Article 16 has been referred to Rules and Technical Terminology Committee for the final presentation at the 2001 Annual Meeting. Motion #56
    R&T is working on defining more disqualifications and penalties. This is an important Show Rule and it may affect your breed. When the wording comes out of Rules and Technical, please pay close attention and advise.

  • Should members of a Breed Section vote on changes to their breed standard? Currently it is not required, as the Breed Committee can make changes, without taking their standard to the Breed Section. Motion #108
    I support this proposal. While a ballot does cost TICA money, it does include our members in the democracy of their breed. How do you feel? Please advise as this is currently with R&T.

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TICA 2001 Semi Annual Board Meeting, Regional Director's Report

Annual Rotation -- Semi Annual 2002

  • The 2004 Annual was returned to the Northwest Region. The Annual rotation amongst regions is Great Plains 2001, Mid Atlantic 2002, Great Lakes 2003, Northwest 2004, Northeast 2005, International 2006, Southwest 2007, and South Central 2008. Motion #85
    RD notes: I voted in favor of this proposal as I felt the Northwest Region deserved an opportunity to host the Annual in 2004.

  • The 2002 Semi-Annual will be held in Harlingen, Texas. The Board will arrive on the 13th of February for a complete tour of the Executive Office on the Thursday, February 14th, with the meeting to begin on Friday, February 15th, continuing over the weekend.

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TICA New Year Starts May 1st

Membership and Club Dues Due

The New Year for The International Cat Association starts on May 1st, 2001. It is time for members to renew their dues and for clubs to pay their charter fees to the Executive Office. Five members including all officers of each TICA club must be TICA members in good standing. The most popular types of TICA memberships are as follows:

  • Regular TICA Member - $25, 1 vote
  • Family TICA Members - $35, 2 votes (members must be over 18 years of age)
  • Club Charter Renewal - $25
If the Executive Office does not receive the club charter renewal fee by May 31st, a surcharge of $10 per month will be added to the charter renewal fee for a maximum additional charge of $40.

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How To Stay In Touch OR The Doings of the Mid-Pacific Regional Computer Committee

     By: Paul Huntley, April 7, 2001

Email List: tica-mp@yahoogroups.com

Like most regions in TICA, we here in the Mid-Pacific have started our own email list. We are using the yahoogroups free service, and for those who are familiar with yahoogroups, search for group name "tica-mp". If you are not familiar with this service, that is okay. It is very easy to subscribe, simply send an email to: tica-mp-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. If you are still having trouble, drop me an email (to paulh@lunarcoons.com) and I will be happy to help you get things sorted out.

Once you have subscribed, you will automatically receive the welcome message from our Regional Director, Pamela Barrett.

Web Site: www.tica-mp.org

The Mid-Pacific Computer Committee has also been busy working on a regional website. We are finished with the concept and planning phase of the project, and are busy with the implementation.

There are basically three areas that can cost money when putting up a website: web design services, web hosting services, and domain name registration.

Web design services are a fancy way of describing the actual building of the site. This is where the actual html coding comes in, but it also includes things like graphics design and layout design. There are companies that specialize in this sort of service, and their fees can range to several hundreds of dollars per hour, or it may be contracted on a per job basis. Large corporations maintain entire departments to accomplish the design and maintenance of a professional corporate e-business website.

We here in the Mid-Pacific don't have quite so lofty a goal. We just want to put up a web site that will contain information useful to the TICA members that reside in the region. It will be a good way for Pam to communicate with the online component of our membership, and can serve as a directory to our clubs and our members. It will also be a good way to showcase our members and their cats.

Also, we are fortunate to have Tina Dodge and Barb Petersen working on the web design of our site. Professionally, Tina manages a web design group for a large telecommunications company. She is well aware of what constitutes user friendly and usefully presented content. She also runs a side business, which provides web design consulting. Barb is no stranger to the internet, either. She and her husband John have been involved in most aspects of the internet since its infancy. We are very fortunate that both of these folks are donating their services to the region.

Web hosting services involves where the website is actually, physically located. Many Internet Service Providers (ISP's) charge their customers a fee to store their websites on the computers that belong to the ISP. This covers the costs incurred by the ISP company for the computers, the modems, the technical support, and the connection to the rest of the internet, the electricity, the building, etc. A typical charge for a moderate sized website, for an average ISP, can be twenty or twenty-five dollars per month. As an example, Gloria's TICA website, www.tica.org, is hosted by a company called magick.net, and I would guess that this is close to what TICA pays for that valuable service.

For the Mid-Pacific region's website, again, we are fortunate. Henry Franzoni, a Mid-Pacific TICA member and Mr. Pam Barrett to those that know him, is kindly donating this service to the region for the next three years or more. Again, the region will not be paying for the computer, or the disk storage, and we will not be paying a monthly charge to keep our website on the internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The last component of this project is the domain name registration. The Mid-Pacific Computer Committee (MPCC) has voted to buy a domain name for our website. The name we have selected is tica-mp.org. While most of the other TICA regions already have their own website, we will, to my knowledge, be the first region to have our own domain. The MPCC members also donated their own money to pay for the registration of our domain name.

The company that the government has charged with registering domains on the internet is called Network Solutions. They charge $35 per year to register a domain, and distribute the necessary codes so that anybody in the world with internet access can "see" our site. The initial registration period is for two years, and that is why our committee donated $80.

Stay tuned to the regional mailing list for important announcements about the debut of the website, and also just to stay in touch!

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Regional Awards Committee -- RAC -- Needs Your Support, Donations, and a Minute For This Ballot


MP Judge of the Year:
MP Clerk of the Year:
MP Steward of the Year:
MP Humanitarian of the Year:
MP Show of the Year:
MP 3rd Call of the Year:
Send Ballots To:

Denise McInerney
583 Warrington Ave.
Redwood City, CA  94063

Email: denisemc@compuserve.com

(Copy and paste the ballot into an e-mail, or click here for a printable version of the ballot.)

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The opinions expressed in this publication are those of its authors alone and do not reflect the views of The International Cat Association. The use of its logo in no way implies approval by The International Cat Association of its contents nor does it indicate that this is an official publication of that association.